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Old 01-09-2015, 11:51 PM   #4
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Re: WTB: Dash Pad (cracked ok), gas pedal, seat hardware, etc

Originally Posted by markmdz View Post
All for my '68 C20 LWB

My current short list is:

Dash Pad - As long as the clips and overall shape are ok, I don't care if the foam is a bit thrashed or the cover is split. I'm reupholstering it anyway, so I just need a good base and most of the foam so I can figure out the overall shape. The best dash pad core I have is $40.00 plus shipping

Gas Pedal - Same as dash pad... I don't care if it's ugly as long as it's not broken. Please include the pivot pin too. I have the gas peddle with the linkage for $35.00 plus shipping. Includes the linkage that the gas peddle rest on that bolts to the firewall. Does not include the piece on the carb.

Seat Hardware - I need the cable/rod, springs, spring clips, etc for the slider. I have the handle with knob and the brackets that go into the sliders, but no end hardware or the linking rod/cable. (I have another post looking for a couple seat springs too.) I will need to check on Monday. Would you consider buying a complete set of seat tracks if needed? I hate to part these because they have no value unless complete in most cases.

Door Sills - Not sure I have the terminology correct, but i'm looking for the chrome/polished trim that goes in the bottom of the door sills to hold the carpet down. Driver quality is fine. I have some nice driver quality sill plates for $20.00 each plus shipping

Taillight Harness - From the cab, back. Again, driver quality is fine. Honestly I'm fine with a harness that needs a little work as long as the wires aren't brittle. I will be going through every inch of wire on it to make sure there's no abrasions or gouges in it, replacing anything that's not perfect, and fully dressing it anyway, just need a decent base to start from with good plugs. I have a very nice firewall to rear cross member harness for a LWB for $15.00 and a restorable tail light harness for $30.00 plus shipping. The tail light harnesses will be good but have been spliced for trailer harnesses.

Front Bumper Brackets - Just need the inner brackets for the bumper to mount to the frame horns. I have mine, but one of the PO's snapped the bolt that holds the bracket to the frame on both, and I don't feel like drilling them out and re-tapping them.
I have as many of these as you need for $7.50 each plus shipping

I can get photos and a combined shipping quote for the items you are interested in on Monday.

Let me know,

Thank you,
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