Originally Posted by Oregoon
...After that, lifters commenced clattering, performance--what little there was--got worse...
similar thing happened to me after knuckleheads put wrong weight oil in at Jiffy Lube in my '97 Tahoe (I know I know should have done it myself, but I was behind on an oil change and busy as heck)
took it to a shop, shop said they checked out / looked at my rockers (big lie, you need to take off the air compressor to remove the driver side valve cover, and the parts looked untouched and dusty) shop said $480 bucks to have new hydraulic lifters installed
I said thank you very much went home drained the oil, poored in my beloved AutoZone cheap but brand new proper grade oil, and in 30 seconds after starting the car she went from chattering to purring like a kitten again
lesson learned maybe don't mess with valve adjustment just change the oil, experiment with different grades (since she's an older truck) till you get favorable results