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Old 01-13-2011, 11:50 AM   #11
fun in dirt
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Re: "The Bucket" project diary

Over Christmas & New Years holidays I get off work for 2 weeks, which is great, but didn't get a whole lot done on the Bucket. We were busy trying to clean up a little KTM to put under the tree. Then it actually turned cold here, our shop doesn't have heat & it was just too cozy staying in the house.
That's all excuses though

We did get a "stump jumper" built to protect the rearend cover...I can't believe people actually pay $100+ for these things. But I'm very blessed to have a husband that is a genius with metal without him this whole project would not be possible.

My birthday is Dec 24th & I got rotors & calipers for a present...that's so cool!
The caliper brackets have been laying on a shelf in the shop for several years just waiting to be put on a project . Got all that fit up.
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'72 C to K20 "Cannibalizer"
'85 K30 "Big Nassy"
[B]'85 C10 [B] "Corpse"
'01 2500 Suburban wagon & tow truck
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Built & sold cause can't keep 'em all:
'72 Blazer "The Bucket"
'55 Chevy straight axle gasser
'69 Pro Street Chevelle
'86 M1031 CUCV
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