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Old 01-03-2014, 08:46 PM   #14
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Re: Project remove my sunroof

This time of year is the wrong time to think about using the panel bonding stuff. It needs to be pretty warm to work well I learned that the hard way putting a roof on a 04 C2500. With all the guts out [int.] the welder is still the best way to go. I had one of my body guys use some of the 3M bonding stuff on his bed skins on his truck [i was letting him build at my shop on the weekend on his time] it failed soon as we lifted the bed to place it on the truck. I can't atest to his proper use of the product , but I do know I used it right with the exception it got cold the night I used it and it failed. The work progress is looking real good, there is a new skin out now for those needing to do this and not able to find a donor. I have done this many times using used panels and it does make the labor twice as much and at some point you may have to consider the amount of labor, but I always figure mine is cheap. Jim
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