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Old 01-21-2013, 11:37 AM   #1255
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Post Re : Drivtrain Choices

RE : the 350 SBC & Turbo-Hydro 350 trans is a hard combination to beat because it is cheap & plentiful and as long as you do a compression test , before purchase to insure to bad cylinders , you can tinker it a little bit then plop it right in and begin driving & having fun , if you're smart you can do many basic mods as you go along and vastly increase the driveability as well as fuel economy , using inexpen$ive locally sourced parts....

For starters , always re seal any used engine 7 slushbox tranny *before* you install it and in the case of V-8's , always , ALWAYS replace the cam chain and gears as this affects the cam timing , very few after a few years of use are anywhere near spec. and nothing else you do will make it right with the dang cam 2 degrees retarded from a floppy old cam chain.....

You were going to replace the water pump and timing cover seal anyway , right ? .

Later on you can add big valve heads from a junked later model car cheaply , etc. etc........

If you want to make it all chromed out , that's easy & cheap to do later as you're driving and enjoying the rig .

Yeah , yeah , I AM a InLiner guy but being a Jouneyman Mechanic , it's most important to me to have a good runner and making a tire burning beast On The Cheap is dead simple .
'49 3100 235 W/ Muncie SM420 SOLD
'69 C/10 shortbed sidemount survivor 250 L6 W/ 350TH
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