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Old 01-12-2015, 03:52 AM   #6
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Re: 2006 2wd 1500 front end freshen up questions

All is well now! That universal tool was well worth the 20.00. That and a 4 foot breaker bar did the trick. The drivers side was a real bear.

If doing again I pick up 2 replacement dust boots and be done with it rather than trying to re-use the factory ones.

Realized the pink plastic part was a factory tie rod dust boot. Went to a couple parts houses and no one carried them. I was worried it was part of the rack that had worked it's way out, as when I pulled the boot is wasn't on the rod but just cracked and loose by the rack. I assume these are factory pressed on and put the rods on without replacing.

There is a little play in the arm out of he rack on the drivers side. Any thoughts if a little (1/8 or less) is ok, or should I or have this addressed?

Thanks everybody!
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