It’s already been proven by many quality companies that the bags will handle as good if not better than most any quality spring.
You can see airbags now in bracket racers, drag cars, land speed record holders and nearly every big rig on the road. Their longevity is proven to be as much as any steel spring out there.
I installed bags on my 83 because I wanted the adjustability, big drop and better handling. I had a set of cheap Gabriel shocks out back and mine still rode like it was a stock Caddy. That’s pretty good considering it was a 21 year old truck that had all original steering components. The truck hooked amazingly afterward compared to the stock suspension.
They are easily more than a standard steel spring suspension but for the adjustability and in some cases the extra payload and better handling it’s worth it if it’s in your budget.
I know many of my buddies wont even consider bags because of some of the nightmare installs and bad reps that bags have gotten but I’ve seen equally as bad steel suspension setups.
It’s all up to what you’re looking for IMO. If you just want a mild drop and handling get a nice set of Hotchkis springs, if you want the adjustability, bigger drop and handling then go with bags.