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Old 01-13-2015, 11:38 AM   #10
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Location: Brooklyn, New York
Posts: 137
Re: Biggest trailer you would tow?

The bikes aren't big choppers. One in a 76 Airhead, the other is a much lighter KTM Supermoto. I might even sell the KTM before the move.

Beyond that I've got light furniture, two rolling toolboxes that are half full (if that), and some books.

I think a 6x12 trailer would be fine, and I wouldn't even fill it up. Brakes I would replace before the trip, change tranny fluid, oil of course...

My plan is to buy the trailer used, use it, then sell it to recoup some of the costs. A U-haul just costs too much. Hell, even if it cost me my transmission, that still won't set me back what the U-haul would...and I'll come out with a new tranny.

1987 R10
1976 K10
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