Originally Posted by ray_mcavoy
Yes, the additional ground wires can be spliced into the existing circuit #150 ground wire(s) already leading to the cluster plug.
The same goes for the additional ignition-switched fused power wire. That can be spliced into one of the existing circuit #39 power wire(s) already leading to the cluster.
The two fuel sender wires allowed the factory gauge wiring to accept gauge clusters with or without the optional tachometer.
The fuel sender wire leading to cavity #18 is used for clusters with the large fuel gauge located to the right of the speedometer. I believe it's also used for medium-duty truck tach clusters with the small fuel gauge at the bottom of the tach.
The fuel sender wire leading to cavity #7 is only used for tachometer clusters that have the small fuel gauge down in the lower left corner.
So depending on the style of cluster you're installing, only one of the 2 wires for the fuel sender will actually be used. I suppose you could remove the extra one but leaving it in there won't hurt anything ... the unused one just dead-ends at the cluster plug since there is no mating trace on the printed circuit.
Great news! Thanks! Is there any trick to pulling the pins from the plug or is it pretty straight forward?