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Old 01-28-2004, 02:37 PM   #1
Tracy Focht
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454 and BBC performance parts

I have bought a virgin block, never been touched with -781 heads, intake to pan.
Then I have bought from a guy I trust, a modified Holley 850 cfm carb, new Vic. Jr. Edelbrock intake, his worked -781 heads that have been surfaced, bowl blended, stage 2 port job, S/S 2.19/1.88 valves, Comp Cam springs good to .650 lift, over $1000 worth of work done to these, his Comp 294s solid cam, 294 adv with 248@.050 land .595 lift, Comp true roller timing chain, Harland Sharp full roller rockers, Comp pushrods..whole top end...

Well, I ran into an emergency yesterday, and will sell for what I bought all this for.
All you need is to freshed up the bottom of the 454, and you'll have another set of stock 781's as well with that, have the crank turned, re-size the rods, add pistons of your choice, you'd be set with a screamer motor. Will sell cheap.

a good inexpensive way to have a 500hp motor with tons of torque as well...

will cover freight if semi close...
$1900.00 for everything
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