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Old 01-28-2004, 05:22 PM   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Posts: 404
oh man did you get the right guy here for this answer

the cabs themselves will bolt right up but the frame mounts are different. the doors are different in the respect that the door panels are different and you could interchange them but then youd have to interchange the window cranks if equipped because the newer models are a half inch longer or so.
There is a difference in the power booster the older ones have a smaller circle where the master cylinder sits in there.
the columns wiring harness, fusebox, heater box and control ( non a/c truck , i dont know about air conditioned trucks) are all different and the clutch pedal/brake pedal assembly is different. I do not know if you already have the clutch pedal assy in there in a newer cab if it will work to the frame as i only took the cluthc pedal out of my 76 and wanted to put it in the 81 cab which didnt work. I currently am ordering a new set of brake clutch pedals with the metal piece they ride in to use them on my 81 cab.
also note the wiper arms are different the newer trucks are slightly bigger. You can do the swap you just need to strip the cab bare and do it that way.
the dash pads are different too but you can interchange them.
if you have more specific questions please ask i am in the process and almost complete doin this job on one of my trucks. also member Capt. Kaos is phenomonal with info on this swap I am also known as Old Rusty C10 here as my account is kinda messed up right now
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