Thread: Serious Black
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Old 01-15-2015, 04:19 PM   #6
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Talking Re: Serious Black

well, slowly but surely, I'm creeping along....I got the engine almost done, still have to replace the rocker arm's I had purchased, thinking they would work, NOT! (they were self aligning comp cams roller tip rockers) the guides on the outboard of the roller tips, were contacting the valve locks, instead of the stems...... any way's my Uncle had a set of the Stainless Comp Cams full roller rockers sitting on his shelf, and is selling them to me, so crisis averted.......Got my 700R4 bolted up to the engine and is bolted down in the chassis, have to buy a trans mount still, and then see if cutting my driveshaft is going to be necessary. I finally got a good set of Headers (That Fit) Thanks Mike! "Cash3481" for bailing me out of a sticky situation!!! I still have lots to do, just finding time to get it done, that's the hard part.... Once the Cab and body parts go to paint Next month, I'm bringing the chassis home to run the brake/fuel lines,etc....progressing when I can. here's a few pictures:

Ben Smith
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