Front sheetmetal on Camaro clip?
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01-15-2015, 04:42 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: New Bloomfield pa.
Posts: 644
Re: Front sheetmetal on Camaro clip?
I have done many of these, and as stated there are a million ways to do this.
Also like others have said everything hangs from the rad support so it must be in the correctr position to start.
I use a jig made up of spare parts and angles that is bolted in a area that does not move ( Hinge bolts) then from there jig down and out to the base plate for the rad support.
When you tack the new clip in place use this as a starting point along with measuring to stay square and true. One note if your cab mounts are bad or floor is rusted to where the cab is not sitting correctly you will need to repair that first
1953 suburban build
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