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Old 01-15-2015, 07:20 PM   #1
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New Aftermarket Doors

I am looking for feedback on aftermarket replacement doors for our trucks. I have heard about fit issues in the past. For those of you who have used them what has your experience been? How is quality compared to the original? What vendor(s) have you purchased from? I am going to be getting paint work done on my 72 c30 yet this winter, and doors may be the only issue. Fenders, rockers and conners are good. The truck was done once in the past. I would prefer to find clean original doors, but my location kind of hinders that. New doors seem to be more readily shipped and may be a viable option. Plan is we are going to dive into this and see what we have first. The inner bottoms look questionable, as the previous body work was not the best in those areas. I'm trying to do a little pre planning so if we decide it would be best to not repair my doors I can proceed accordingly.
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