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Old 01-15-2015, 11:07 PM   #1
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Electrical Problems - Starter Coil & Ammeter

Here's what I have. I've had our '63 C60 in the shop doing some tinkering and wiring it. Today when I went to move it, it wouldn't turn over. I jumped from the power supply to the trigger terminal and it started right up. I figured it would be an easy fix.

Before I start, I will say that the only wiring I have been doing is on the taillights - nothing more.

As I was poking around, I noticed that the ammeter is pegged on discharge whenever the key is on. I slapped my amp clamp on each battery cable and only have a .3 amp draw.

I unplugged the ignition switch and jumped from power (red) to start (purple). I get a good sized spark so there is obviously a draw, but nothing happens. When I jump the wire, I can hear a sound almost like tuning fork or a vibrating spring that fades out in less than a second.

I put a remote starter switch on the starter solenoid and it turns it over just fine. The solenoid draws about 18 amps.

I unplugged the wiring harness at the firewall and jumped from power to start - and it turned over. Plugged it back in and had the same thing as before. Thinking I might have a short, I unplugged the harness at the firewall and jumped the power wires so I only had incoming power. The ammeter still pegged and I had no spark when I jumped from power to start at the ignition switch plug.

I need help.
1966 F250 4X4 416
1972 K20 350 4 OTF
Originally Posted by GASoline71 View Post
I once pulled an intake manifold for a cam swap... ended up with a full on drag car that ran in the 11's.
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