Re: starter motor
I made a brace & proceeded to fit the motor & used the same shim. I had some problems starting (see timing thread) I then drained the battery so placed it on charge. When I returned & tried again I got a clicking sound as if the battery was flat so I checked the voltage which was 12.7v, I then thought maybe something to do with the switch on Lokar shifter so I checked volts at the starter & got 13v there. So I figured it must be the starter motor, when I had a look the small cog was jambed up. I got some more shimming material twice the thickness & tried again, but it happened again. I put both shims in the thin & thicker one. Again it jambed, so I fitted 2 of the thicker shims & left off my brace incase that had an effect. Again it jambed, I've left it now as it's got dark & temp is down to 3deg C. Not sure if I should shim again or just shim the inside to tilt the motor slightly