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Old 01-17-2015, 04:34 PM   #1
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Turn Signal Switch, what am I missing?

Hey everyone,
I'm chasing some electrical gremlins at the moment in the rear turn signals and I think I've finally narrowed it down to the switch itself, but am having trouble getting it all back together. Before I took the assembly apart it clicked nice and smooth and the cancel mechanism worked perfectly, but now as many times as I try I can't get it to work the same way. I'm fairly certain it's just like the way it was, but I have to be missing something. Every time I try to tighten the pedestal screw to tighten down the pivot point in order to reduce the slack, it binds up and makes it impossible to move the switch. Am I missing a washer under that screw that would allow it to move freely? Does it need lublubricant? I'm at a loss.

'58 Apache 3100 4-Eyed Work Truck
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