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Old 01-18-2015, 10:53 PM   #123
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Re: Olive Green truck Picture's

Here is one I owned for 2 weeks! I bought itin Illinois while visiting my folks for thanksgiving. Got bored and got on Craigslist and found her. Wife thought I was crazy to drive an unknown truck 1200 miles back to Houston the next day. I made it home no problem and after turning into my driveway from the long trip a guy pulls in right behind me and states he is going to buy that truck!

Shot him a price that made me some money and darned if he didn't bite on it.

I regret selling it that fast as I didn't really get to have any fun with it.
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Slammed 53 5 window
Blown/Bagged 54 Pickup
Patinaed 67 LS stepside
Supercharged 67 Nova
Bagged 69 Suburban Turbo'ed 5.3 LS
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