Originally Posted by markmdz
What does everyone think about the NV's? I have seen the NV3500 take some serious abuse, and the NV4500 is just a big heavy beast that I have yet to see detonate. ...but then again, I haven't really seen someone try to break it.
I know people who have swapped them in and seem happy. I looked at getting one for my truck before I did the TREMEC, and junkyard prices near me they were $800 and up for 100k+ mile transmissions. And I still would have had to figure out the crossmember, change the clutch, etc. to complete it.
I still could have done it for a little under half what the TREMEC cost, but I would still have a trans with 100k on it and no idea what condition it was really in until I tried it. Too much risk not enough reward for me.