Hi, thanks for the replies. My wiper motor is not the same as Orge's or OrrieG and the one I have is correct according to " paulspickupparts ". I found this switch on eBay, it's paid for and on it's way to me ( Note, I did NOT pay $200 for it LOL )
I also found another online and it's the exact same switch

It's description read:
" Product Description
New Old Stock From G.M.
This new old stock windshield wiper switch was manufactured by General Motors for use on the following models:
Chevrolet 1958 – 1959 Passenger with single speed electric wiper.
Chevrolet Truck 1958 – 1959 All.
*This item may be re-packaged to protect it from shelf wear. "
Once again thanks for ALL the help from EVERYONE, but does anyone have a picture of an " electric " switch for a 1959 Chevy Truck?