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Old 01-23-2015, 01:16 PM   #19
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Re: 1959 Chevy Truck Windshield Wiper Help

58 and 59 Chevy Trucks (not GMC) came with electric switches and the setup shown by AZ59apacheguy . 58 and 59 Chevy truck electric wiper switches were the same. As pictured by AZ59apacheguy and the other switch options described by dwcsr . If you look at OrrieG photos you can the cab is truly a 58 or 59 Chevy cab as it has the V recess in cowl to make room for the bigger wiper motor used in 58 and 59 . 55-57 Chevy cabs would not have had the V. You can retrofit the 55-57 electrics into the later trucks and they will work just fine. You cannot retrofit a 58-59 electric into a 55-57 cab. You cannot mix and match the wiper linkage from 55-57 electric to 58-59 electric (dogleg style).

Not to open up a can of worms but if you want to see something really rare find a 58-59 Chevy Truck with electric wipers and the factory washer setup. Possibly someone has an installation sheet from a NOS setup somewhere . Would be great info.
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