A curved one piece windshield at that.
The doors and hoods will interchange to a point. The 54/first generation 55 fenders are different in that they have a curved inside corner where they go around the grill. 54 and early 55 fenders also have the indent for the park light.
I'm thinking that this is a 53 GMC fender but you can see square cut corner for the grill.
This is a 54 1/2 ton hood on my 48. Fits better than the hood that belongs on it.
There are some small differences in the doors but a 52 or 53 push button door will bolt right on and work. 47/50 doors have the single piece windows and a turn down handle and the 51 has a vent window and turn down handle.
I just got the new Premier Street Rods printed catalog in the mail yesterday and it is full of replacement panels for each model. Their prices are competitive with most of the other AD trinket peddlers but a guys needs to figure out which one he really likes to work with.