Check with the guys at Acklands-Grainger Unit 101, 3 Kingsview Road
Airdrie, Alberta T4A 0A8
Phone: 403-945-0439 and ask if they know of a shop that can swag on wire rope ends (wire rope being cable). They sell cable and the ends in their catalog check page 1473 for some of the ends
They may even be able to do it there or most likely be able to send you to someone who does.
There also may be a shop in the Calgary area that can set up winch cables and swag new ends on them.
A shop that does rigging for sailboats could do it to but those are most likely few and far between where you are at.
I'd measure and mark the cable as to how long I wanted it and then take the complete cable with me. Don't cut it as there are a couple of tricks that make a lot better job of cutting the cable and you don't know exactly where you want it cut yet anyhow as you don't have the new end in your hand.