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Old 02-01-2015, 02:01 PM   #261
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Re: Project "Class Act"

Brian (Xeen) recommended 6" speakers on all four corners for my '57. No way to recess them into the kick panels, so I picked up some surface mount pods. They cost more than they should, but they're perfect for what I plan and they have the angle that Chip referenced. I don't have an amp or a sub, so the speakers are only driven by the Clarion head unit which puts out about 50 watts max to each corner (208 watts max, total). I'm using Rockford Fosgate 6.5 Punch full range speakers which should easily handle the modest power out of the radio.

The one thing I can say for certain is that the Autosound radio and kick panel speakers they sell for our trucks aren't worth the $$. You're smart to plan for a better system.
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