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Old 02-02-2015, 01:29 PM   #5
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Re: Trying to start my 72

Originally Posted by cooperhw View Post
I think I would remove the fuel line from the carb to the fuel pump first. Put a hose or something over it so it doesn't spray that old bad gas all over if it pumps at all. Next thing I would do is remove those plugs again. Let her spin freely for a bit, trying to build up oil pressure (clean oil right?). Once you have her spinning freely see if you are getting any spark by placing one of the wires near an exhaust bolt while spinning. If you are getting spark, compression, all you need now is gas. Pour some in the carb and see if she'll make smoke. If it fires up, get that bad gas out of the tank as well as the sock strainer and any other fuel filters along the way. Might be one in the carb itself under the inlet tube.
Fire it up.
Great thing about a internal combustion engine is all it needs is suck, compress, bang, and blow to run. Don't need water. Don't need carb. Don't need fuel pump. Don't need exhaust system.
Light that bad boy up and you will instantly gain some motivation.
Yes it is clean oil. Replaced the oil and filter. I just forgot to mention that. I don't think there is any electrical issues. All the other stuff works fine like the lights and radio. I think I just tried it too many times and didn't let it cool off. I took off the fuel line to the filter and it was filled with almost like a solid material in it. Almost like and amber sap on a peach or plum tree. Weird. I will have to replace the lines as well.
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