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Old 02-02-2015, 02:17 PM   #7
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Re: Trying to start my 72

You are getting some great info so far, and you've got a good start to getting it running. Fuel is key! Honestly, I would run rubber fuel line (safely away from hot and moving parts) into a fuel can, through the pump, then up to the carb. It really is a two person job to do it safely. When you start pulling the fuel tank and fuel lines you may wind up uncovering issues that need to be addressed before you can continue, all the while you're wondering if the truck will even start when you get finished! Keep a fire extinguisher with you because the electrical, and carb will be unpredictable. You should price the time and effort it takes to rebuild the starter versus a remanufactured one from a parts store. I didn't see you mention what kind of transmission it has in it, but before you drive it make sure to squirt a little WD40 around all the seals like the output shaft and shifter seal. That just ensures you don't immediately cause a leak if you don't already have a few, when you take it around the block.
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