Originally Posted by Kim57
Looks really nice.
Thanks again, Kim! We appreciate the support.
Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Nice work! Are your dimple die tools showing any wear yet? 
Hey DW!, Thanks! Nope, no real wear yet...we got the 4340 set, should last a while longer...at least through this build...maybe!
Originally Posted by 47 Fasttoys
I was thinking the same thing, that's one tool he's getting his money out of. Looks good and just think how many options you will have on where to place your tie downs.
It's one tool I have a hard time NOT using! We just don't look at a blank piece of steel the same anymore.
Originally Posted by Advanced Design
The rack gussets look good. Rocktonka you have me thinking about where I can incorporate dimples into my build. Really liking them....and those welds!
Thanks again AD! I've been welding since my early teens and work in the industry now...it's a process that I find both relaxing and rewarding.
Originally Posted by jbclassix
I think you just solved my tie down dilemma!

Glad we could help...