Re: Going for a beefy stock look. Tire advice wanted.
The ride is great, much better than before. Better tracking on the road too. I did put in new shackle bushings at the same time to tighten everything up. Those don't come with the lift packages.
I went to a 2" front lift not because I wanted a lift, but because I wanted positive arch in the front springs. Negative arch front springs are always going to ride like a brick. I went to 3" in the back because the different gaps above the tires due to the deeper front fender cutouts always bothered me. Made the thing look like it was dragging tail to my eye.
I went with the Tuff Country SX8000 shocks. I just got the whole package from them. Their dealers already had them kitted out -- you know, 2" all around, 3" all around, etc. -- but I had Tuff Country put a mixed lift kit together, and then they gave me the kit price.
Rich Weyand
1978 K10 RCSB DD.