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Old 01-30-2004, 02:29 PM   #8
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We are all certainly entitled to our opinions, I just don't believe these colors do justice to our trucks--yellow in particular. I'm not trying to pick a fight here and painting your truck a certain color is your birthright in America, but does it make sense to use a color that detracts from the vehicles lines and resale value? A board member listed his yellow truck here for sale a few days ago and couldn't even get an offer on what appeared to me to be a $4-5,000 truck in a good color. He was asking $3,000.
A new paint job is just too expensive in my opinion to ignore this. For those of you that have recently bought a restored truck, ask yourself-"would I have paid as much for a yellow truck?" Or if the truck was yellow-"would you have paid more for a nicer color?"
I'm off the soapbox now--have a nice day

Stepsides look like real trucks!

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