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Old 02-05-2015, 10:45 AM   #1
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Posts: 163
67 p10 stepvan (c10 frame) wheel issue

So I have been trying to get new wheels for my 67 P10 stepvan and having some issues. Tried a newer set of chevy rims from a silverado - no good as lugs would not come out far enough for nuts.

Grabbed what I was told was some old chevy c10 rims. Put them on and again it seems that the lugs do not come through far enough to be safe. Especially compared to the wheels that are already on the stepvan.

What are my options here? Can I change the lugs to longer ones or are there wheels that would fit better? Looking for a good sized wheel if possible (17' or larger)

Here are some pics of the original chrome wheels fitting well and the new silver wheels which do not give much thread to bolt on nuts. Also a picture of drum.
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