Originally Posted by teeitup
Harry, info sent, Thanks
Michael, sorry no BB stuff right now. Hey I have you HEI you paid for down here, somehow we didn't get it loaded when you were here.
Thanks Randy

You know, I looked and looked for that thing! Be honest with you Randy, I forgot all about that thing with so many irons in the fire...Hope the storage fees havent out weighed the cost...Thats what happens when Random Access Memory becomes limited, and Megabyte's become Minibyte's...

If somebody needs it, sell it to them...If you still have it when you get a Big Block with all the goodies, I'll pick it up then...Put me in line for Big Block mounts, alt brackets, pulley's, 400Turbo, and/or a 12-bolt posi...Thank You Randy, your a real Sunflower.

Michael of the clan Hill,
"Two Seventy Two's"
71 1-ton Dually 350 4-Speed
71 C/50 Grain Truck, 350 Split-Axle 4-Speed
02 3/4 ton Express
14 Indian Chief Vintage
1952 Ford 8N, "Only Ford Allowed On The Property"

"Be American, Buy American"