Thread: nv 4500
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Old 02-07-2015, 07:36 PM   #7
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Re: nv 4500

I appreciate it but this is all just planning stages, I am in the process of putting a vortec 4.8 into an 86 monte, this will be my first ls swap, if I like how it goes I would not be opposed to putting a 6.0 in my 72, but was thinking about trans options, cause the power and fuel econ combo is my main goal. and I haven't found too many good solutions to trannys. but last night I was on craigslist and saw an add for a 4500, I had a cummins powered dodge that had the 4500 and had almost no problems out of it until 200k, seemed strong and I liked the ratios or the feel of them and loved that 5th was more or less overdrive and 1st was low, both good 4x4 points IMO. just not sure if I would see similar performance behind more RPMs
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