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Old 02-08-2015, 09:50 AM   #16
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 950
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Some of you will have seen my pleas for help on the main board regarding an errant brake/turn signal (using the language of the locals here) and its refusal to light upon application of the stop pedal.

Well, with the excellent help and knowledge of Fleetside Larry, who put together a simple trouble shooting guide for, well… Simpletons… I discovered that the fault lay in the turn signal switch.


Trouble was that the nearest switch was 4000 miles away and even paying super doper shipping fees it would not be here in time…

I was hoping that I would be able to have an entire build thread without having to expose my alter ego but it would appear that necessity has dictated that this is not to be….


With the good Kaptain in the Bodge Cave, a hasty loom was Bodged together, bypassing the faulty switch and….

Success! We have lights! (to save me embarrassment I decided not to take pictures of this….) You will also be pleased to know that a switch has been ordered and will be here next week.

As the KAPTAIN left me to help other less fortunate I returned to the Elephant in the room… Well actually the LS motor in the bed…

Now, I had put out a plea to my local car people for the loan of a crane to extricate the new heart from the patient but with no luck.

So… How to get a 500lb motor out of a truck using nothing but Pallets, a few scaffold boards, jack and an Engine Stand….


Let’s just say, not my proudest moment…

Please note that I moved the engine back on the stand so it is fully engaged and have a lump of 4 x 2 supporting the front now.

Cold and tired I retired for the evening, still a lot to do but getting there.

Until the next time.

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