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Old 02-08-2015, 02:50 PM   #22
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 950
Re: The English are coming! D Day

MOT Day!!!

Alarm kicks off at 7.30 to give me time for a cup of tea and a little breakfast before the big day. To say I was excited is probably an understatement.

A quick trip to another motor factors provided a new pump but, much to my dismay, it was the same as the two previous pumps but in a different packaging…Oh well, not time to moan yet.

Straight home plugged it in and…


KAPTAIN DODGEIT was unavailable when I called so had to improvise on a washer bottle and holder…


By this time I was acutely aware of the clock ticking inexorably towards 10am and the 30 minute drive to the station, especially as it was now 9.40…

Collected all the documentation, jumped in Woody and, with a quick call to Andy at the MOT station to tell him I was on my way, we were off!

Having only driven with a full load in the bed the handling was…Interesting as I bounced and wallowed the 10 miles to the test station. I now feel as if I understand what the base line handling of Woody is and… it’s not what I would call ‘good’ by modern standards, or in fact any standard unless your previous benchmark was a Mirror Dingy…

Still smiled all the way though…

Glad that I invested a few Pounds Sterling in Rob at No Limits with his front and rear sway bars and Shocks along with his adjustable panhard rod. Think the time table for upgrades might have been brought forward by a few weeks.

Anyway, arrived a few minutes late at the station but, due to the fact that the C10 is not the most complicated vehicle ever made, still had enough time to carry out the test in full.


Woody Passed!

Two advisories, slightly perished drivers side brake hose (Disk conversion coming soon so that is covered) and play in the steering box. To say I was happy doesn’t even cover it.

Whilst there Andy let me have a quick look underneath, not supposed too but he has been ticketing my cars for the past 15 years, and pleased to report that, despite outward appearance, Woody’s undercarriage is, to coin my favourite internet show, MINT!!

No rust, no surprises. Floor is solid with no repairs, 3 small pinholes in the drivers toe board but nothing to worry about. What a relief! Was in such a rush this morning that I forgot my camera so here are a few phone shots, bit pants but you get the picture.

Popped round to see a few friends on the way back one of whom will attend to the body damage on the b pillar and then home to spend time with my son before he goes back to University.

Took this at the local super market as it sort of gives an idea of the size difference between a ‘small’ pickup and the usual fodder….

All in all a great day. So, with the paper work sorted, I can apply for UK registration and now start on the GRAND PLAN!
Until next time,

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