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Old 02-10-2015, 10:05 AM   #21
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Re: 2005 5.3/4l60e into 1987 GMC

Got the 5.3 bolted in! I was pretty happy to see it sitting in it's new home after all the work so far
I still have a lot to do though. Working on my harness mods, need to buy a new radiator, hoses, trans lines, hook up the new fuel lines, drop the tank and swap the pump out, figure out where I'm getting vacuum for the brake booster, a/c controls, etc...

This came from an 05 Tahoe with electric fans but I think I want to use a mechanical fan for simplicity right now. The water pump pulley has the threaded portion on the snout so I can just get the mechanical fan from a pick-and-pull and bolt it on??
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