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Old 02-10-2015, 06:28 PM   #1
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Location: Chandler, Arizona
Posts: 58
Scored a great deal on a '70 Stepper!

Yep, that's right! I was cruising on craigslist early Saturday morning enjoying some coffee and I a came across an ad for a complete and running short bed stepper..for under $3k...the ad wasn't even 24hrs old yet so I jumped right on it!

Out here in're lucky to even find a short bed for under $4k let alone one that is complete from bumper to bumper and running! Now that I've had two of these trucks already I'm pretty excited to have this one because I have the resources, experience and extra parts laying around.

I was sold on the truck when I saw it was complete with the old wood bed. I never used to like the stepsides as much and when I saw this truck in person, it turns out I really, really like it a lot!

Anyway, just really excited to share my great find and I will be happy to post some progress pictures along the way, I wish I had done that for my 68 454 that was a total re-haul and so much fun. I feel like every time I do something new on these trucks, my skills and confidence in fab work level up. I'll post some bed and interior pics later tonight.
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