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Old 02-13-2015, 02:22 AM   #5
Roadside Rebuilder
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Re: 76 292 intake/exhaust recommendations

Originally Posted by greg64 View Post
Guys, to my knowledge, no 292 came with the integrated head. That was a 250 thing. Of course, since the heads can be swapped back and forth, it's easily possible that an integrated head wound up on a 292. For intake manifolds, the choice is typically between the Clifford and the Offy (I'm talking the 4 bbl version). The going wisdom is that the Clifford makes more top end horsepower with its bigger runners, but the Offy makes more torque. I have the Offy. For exhaust, I used stovebolt's cast iron headers. They really improved the breathing, and are so tough they'll last forever on a daily driver (a plus for me). You can get proper headers, but I don't want to deal with the rust/leaks fit up problems. If you're going 4 bbl carb, the Holley 390 is thought to be the best.
I second what Greg writes. The 390 cfm is generally accepted as the best daily-driver carb for the aftermarket manifolds, though the Weber 38 is reputed to be a real ripper. I'd guess a small 4bbl would be easier to find, though. Dual or triple carb set-ups are cool and look really neat, but are finicky, especially in cold weather. Those linkages...

As to the 292 headss: I've read about (online, whatever that's worth) and heard of factory 292-integral, and have also been told they were an after-the-fact swap, either dealer-done or shop-done, or shade-tree. There's some part-numbers in the aftermarket that cross over, but that could be a typo. I have seen a few those heads on a 292 and each time, we scrapped it and replaced it with a non-integral set-up.

Keep us posted and let's see a few pics of your truck!

Last edited by Oregoon; 02-13-2015 at 02:30 AM.
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