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Old 02-13-2015, 07:20 PM   #5
Advanced Design
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Re: 48 Burb, bagged, 5.3, 20 year wait

Originally Posted by Advanced Design View Post
Young guy that we had never met stopped by this spring just introducing himself to folks on neighboring farms. He must be an over achiever since he lives 20 miles away.

Week ago he stopped by and asked if I had a black one ton truck in the back and could he look at it. His Gran'pa had bought it new. It spent time on a neighboring farm, then was pulled into the woods 40 years ago.

Fifteen years ago neighbors gave it to me and I put it in the back of the shop.

So the young guy stopped by last night and asked if I would sell it to him. We are always glad to help a young person who has an interest in old vehicles and besides it had belonged to his Gran'pa. We said "Sure". "How much?" "You can have it for what we paid for it."

Thought he was going to cry. He stopped by with a buddy today and they drug it out of the shop.
Just some back story from last July for some perspective. The young man wasn't able to tow the vehicle home that day and left to be back next week. He stopped by sometime in October and said he would be back right after harvest.

He and a buddy finally showed up today with a tractor...nope, truck still won't tow well because of the flat tires. They struggled with it for awhile and I went out to help them. So I loaned them my trailer, hitch and tie downs. After loading he asked what the truck is worth...hmmm maybe $500..why I wondered. Oh, he was just planning on selling it since he didn't think he could fix it up. I offered to buy the front bumper and guards...

I will still try to help others when I can...hope he brings back the trailer!
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