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Old 02-14-2015, 10:19 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Wichita Ks
Posts: 40
70 C-30 build thread

I give up! Damn this thing has taken over my life and nearly ended some good friendships. Personally, I do not have the fortitude to go through with this to the end. Besides, My friend Richard has done most of the work, been my adviser and has prevented me from doing things the hard way, more times than I would have thought.

I am selling my truck to Richard. It has been at his house nearly from the start, I spend far to much time away to make much progress and more importantly, my project has consumed far too much of his time. My account here is on his computer since I have done much of the online search work while he rebuilt my wiring harnesses, sanded and rattle canned.

He says he will keep the thread updated or possibly start a new account as (I'm certain) he wouldn't want to post under my name.

So, as I will be leaving this in far more capable hands, I would like to say thank you all for your help and the many threads that have helped resolve many circumstances that I was not prepared for.

I will post some pictures of the start of the project (mostly clean-up work) and update it to current. Beyond that, Richard will have to keep you updated as he goes forward.
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