Re: Vin decodes to a 71. But title says 72?
Sometimes last year's models remain unsold on the dealers lot. He then sells a truck at reduced cost to a consumer. The DMV might register the vehicle in the current year, as a current model, with an indifferent attitude to its actual model year, especially when the old model year is nearly identical [to anyone less than an expert] to the new model year design. What do they care, it's a 'new' truck, right?
I remember a '72 model year GMC Suburban at a junkyard, I pulled the windshield from. The junker insisted it was a '73, citing all his paperwork. I knew from the body design it was, in fact a '67 - '72. He told me it was a 'late-bloomer' and had been registered officially as a 1973. I didn't stick around to argue. I got my windshield [real PPG]. He wanted too much for the Sub's Parchment [white] sunvisors, and I left.
BTW, It's not a GMC, is it?
Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.