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Old 02-20-2015, 08:45 PM   #17
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Re: Just How Much is Enough???

Total price for the restoration was a little over 10x the original purchase price. The idea was my wife's. The truck is amazing and has won a bunch of awards at prestigious events but that is not what we built it for. Instead it has three purposes: 1. To get the word out on our business 2. Be a daily driver for her (20k on it in 18 months) 3. To keep a piece of the family alive (grandfather bought it new in 71)

We have worked the majority of the bugs out now but I did have to remind her a few times that this was her suggestion. Like that time the air fitting failed in the middle of nowhere Utah desert or while replacing the second pos Griffin radiator or when the air bag was torn by odd chance and I had to buy a cut off tool and compressor to get it fixed or when the belt tensioner failed in Yellowstone and the ac tensioner failed two weeks later. As I joke now the truck has been restored twice!

If your wife isn't on board then the project will be squashed when stuff happens.
71 C-20 Custom Camper
California Truck
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