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Old 02-22-2015, 05:05 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Toledo Ohio
Posts: 520
project question

I have 2 questions for you guys.
first, what is the approximate cost to take a not running truck and make it road worthy? I don't want to do anything fancy, I'm figuring in bearings and brake work and some light engine work. I can do all the work myself so labor is nothing.

Second, are any of the parts from LMC any good. Are there any to stay away from, I have heard nightmares about the trim pieces but I don't think I will be doing much trim as my truck will be a work truck. probably not the right place to ask this but are the speakers and stereos any good? (38-8558)
what about the tilt column? Specifically the flook shift black (38-4874)

Sorry For the long winded post, I'm just trying to see if I could get into this awesome hobby on a slightly tight budget.
Thank you guys in advance for all the help.
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