Originally Posted by Kim57
You guys are doing some real neat stuff to the truck.
The frame is going to be stout and really cool looking.
Thanks Kim!
Originally Posted by Advanced Design
Looks really good. Dumb question here...are the holes just to follow the theme of the build or will they serve some other purpose? Either way it looks very stout!
Thank you AD! There are no dumb questions, and with us, there isn't always a legitimate reason we do things!

We mainly like the look, but the boxing and thru tubes will add substantial strength to that section of frame.
Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Great work guys! It's looking great.
Thanks DW!!
Originally Posted by coops714x4
really great work, I got a question do you plan on running the brake lines, wiring and air lines through the frame ? if so you might want to consider getting the hard lines in place first. keep up the good work, its gonna be cool. Coop
Thanks Coop, we will run all the lines/wiring externally on the frame. I like visibility/access if there are any issues and wouldn't trust pre-ran lines/wiring subjected to the heat of the welding we're doing.