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Old 02-27-2015, 10:32 AM   #11
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Re: What do you say?

Good replies fellas.. and I know exactly what you all are saying. Just like my signature says.. I also had my bad yrs almost giving up and selling my truck but my wife and kids would not allow that! Thats why I have a custom decal made on the back of my window for all the haters that says "BUILT NOT BOUGHT". All I can say is for the last 2-3 yrs of driving and enjoying my truck I cant get enough of the satisfaction I get from people approving with a thumbs up when they see me coming...
60 C-10 Apache short step side
62 C-10 short step side
66 GMC Long bed fleet side 305 V-6
77 C-20 Custom Deluxe (Blue Goose)
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