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Old 02-27-2015, 10:55 AM   #16
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Re: Upper control arm bushings

Also, after rebuilding one side with only brute strength (had to call in a 6'3"/250lb friend to help), I discovered an easier way.

1. Take a wire brush and clean the caps and flange down to bare metal.
2. Gather a small copper smelting torch and some penetrating oil.
3. Place the control arm in a vice with one of the caps facing you.
4. Heat the cap with the torch for about 30 seconds.
5. Quickly turn off the torch and set it some place safe.
6. Spray the penetrating oil where the cap screws into the control arm (CAUTION: depending how hot you got the cap, you may have a small fire spring up. Be prepared.)
7. Get a good 1/2-3/4 drive breaker bar and a short length of pipe for more leverage, and pop the caps off.

After having great difficulty with the brute strength method, the above process allowed me to pop the caps loose using only my left arm and a little leverage.

One last tip, replace the lower control arm u-bolts with those from a 73-87. They are considerable larger, so you will have to open up the holes in your crossmember a bit to accommodate the larger bolts.

For my 65' the following sockets were needed:
Upper- 1-3/8
Lower- 1-5/8

Parts Geek had a great price on them when I bought them, but I noted minor quality control issues with the parts I received. Namely, the head of the caps were slightly oversized. A quick visit to the grinder for some mild polishing and the socket went on like a glove.

Good Luck!
Travis' Tribute Truck - 65 C10 Frame Up Restoration
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