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Old 02-28-2015, 02:10 AM   #4
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Re: LS engine for 72 4x4 shortbed?

Lsx totally doable but much more involved in a 4x4 of this vintage

Requires a new front crossmember and a minimum 2" suspension lift

I finally decided that for me this project would require me to purchase more items at once to accomplish than I could realistically afford to do all at once. If I had a 2wd it would probably be done. Also in my area LSx engines must come played in gold

What I have since decided to do is use a stand alone tbi kit based on the 87-95 gm setup. It's not the sexiest but my 93 has 300 k on it still runs great and gets 17 mpg

Horsepower is cool but remember its a 4x4 not a race car.

Good luck keep us posted
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