Re: Air compressor explodes.
I see it's a Craftsman
which doesn't mean the tank didn't come from china
I do see that it's rusted along the bottom where it came apart.
I don't think it should have blew up like that.
I think it would've/should've split open at the rusted area expunged all its air ...end of
compressor end of story!
Seeing the end caps blown completely off like that would lead me more in the direction of faulty tank construction and/or some one jacked up the regulator,but the tank should have handled that.
I'm rebuilding one similar to that...Forney Ind. 1975 or 76.
Peeking into the tank ,these is rust but not as bad as I thought considering it has a dead plug and not a drain (I will be changing that).
After seeing that one I will be taking ultra sonic depth meter readings on how much wall is left along the bottom.
Lucky for me we use them at my work.
"63 sb ss bbw 350\350 12 bolt rear Pwr Fr Disc PS tilt
'61 GMC in progress
'63 GMC to use for parts
'90 Chevy Ext cab sbfs 5.7l (current d d)