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Old 03-02-2015, 04:37 PM   #191
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Location: pittsburgh, pa
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Re: 64-66 door weatherstrip-EUREKA!!!!

Order from Majestic Honda 2/24. Shipped 2/26. Received this morning. Total was $95.87 to my door. I was in the Honda game for years and years and Majestic is where I ordered all of my parts from. I learned to not even bother with my local dealer.

I threw one on to just see if the hype was real. Yup, like a glove! The door closes so nice now. No idea about wind noise or anything as my car is far from the road though.

Only down side like mentioned before, is that it's visible though the windshield. But if you're not extremely anal, it's not even an issue.
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