Originally Posted by Vals59
I just got started replacing my cab corners. My rocker was pretty rotted and bent making it hard to decipher exactly where to line it up. A picture of where the rocker meets the cab corner would help me as the inside corner of the rocker could be my guide. Also someone had a picture in their build thread of plate they made for the floor that took the place of the inner cab corners. After working on it today and seeing all the stuff that was trapped inside I am all for leaving them out if its o.k to do so. I have the cab on a fixture I made that the cab bolts to just like its on the frame. I have rockers and step plates and some work to do around the hinge pocket. My plan was to fit everything starting at the cab corner and work forward. I plan to use self tapping screws to hold it all together before I do any welding. Any advice is welcomed. I have looked over several build threads preparing for this. Just trying not to over think it or over look something . Thanks Mike
I detailed how I did all those things in my build thread. I posted lots of large photos too. Use the link in my signature.