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Old 02-03-2004, 12:12 PM   #6
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Location: Northern CA / Sac
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Tough one, geography plays a bit of a role in this one. Having been born in New England and lived there for a couple of years I know how hard it is to find any vehicle that's not rusted to the bone. Yet out here in California, non-rusters are easy to find. What you've described would have little or no value here, but if you have the means to tear it down, retain some things and sell a few...I'd say no more than $300.

Questions to ask yourself. Do you have the time? Do you have a place to dispose of the carcass? Are the doors really solid? Means to move it...or how much to pay someone? I can't imagine that the weather is on your side at this time of year.

Just things to consider, good luck and have fun!

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